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Kansas Fish Finder is a community where anglers of all kinds comes to talk, share and discuss all things fishing. Users can share fishing reports, comment and review locations, ask and reply to questions in the forum and show off their catches. Join Today!

[youtube]https://youtu.be/lRtJicbCMlg[/youtube] [size=24:af9d5a00a3]You see what I did.[/size:af9d5a00a3] [youtube]https://youtu.be/QAnhG9at7CM[/youtube]

Posted 31 minutes ago

[youtube]https://youtu.be/uC1CThNVAoY[/youtube] [size=24:822f18bda2]Can you sign my book?[/size:822f18bda2] https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/my-mom-style-icon-piper-... read more

Posted 35 minutes ago

You’re in my seat. How do I know? I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. ... read more

Posted 45 minutes ago

[youtube]https://youtu.be/DTxc-7B8iV4[/youtube] [size=24:e0914a1425]Why did the Romanian stop reading for the night? - [img:e0914a1425]https://m.media-amazon.com/ima... read more

Posted 1 hour ago

[youtube]https://youtu.be/ryeg_DqkxTg[/youtube] [size=24:f4ff82aa6a]It's not like when I was sitting in the top row and watching how nice everyone was behaving.[/size:f4... read more

Posted 3 hours ago

[img:d0756969dc]https://primekilt.com/media/catalog/product/cache/4c91866c020f7c814e419854546a0d77/r/a/rainbow-pride-kilt.jpg[/img:d0756969dc] [size=24:d0756969dc]Let me ... read more

Posted 4 hours ago

[size=24:04fd54f9d7][b:04fd54f9d7][i:04fd54f9d7]Who are the indigenous people of Italy?[/i:04fd54f9d7][/b:04fd54f9d7] [youtube]https://youtu.be/svezgqe5fOA[/youtube] ... read more

Posted 1 day ago

[youtube]https://youtu.be/Ut3xOA4k-bA[/youtube] https://www.diversdirect.com/p/pro-teaser-lobster-diving-tickle-stick-basic/720?sku=720&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA... read more

Posted 1 day ago

[youtube]https://youtu.be/J0TaAeFTx3k[/youtube] [size=24:294db119ca]Possibly a thermostat sensor issue. Schedule for A routine oil change. We’ll look into it first thi... read more

Posted 2 days ago

[size=24:2f9374f3b2][b:2f9374f3b2]Always remember, at the end. It’s your own people that do it to you.[/b:2f9374f3b2][/size:2f9374f3b2] [youtube]https://youtu.be/UXCzm... read more

Posted 3 days ago

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Latest Fishing Reports

bubba and I

Well bubba and i went to the lake, we got out there at about 12:30 and went to the bait shop to buy some minnows. Well we launched the boat at the Otoe boat ramp and headed east to Hell Creek, We thought that maybe we could get a walleye or two or maybe some striper. Well we fished with minnows and bobbers while casting bucktail jigs. well after about 2 hours without a single bite we decided to go elsewhere. well i went to the flats and we decided to pull some planer boards with live bait rigs baited with worms. well we pull the planer boards for about 30 minutes when my friend thought he had something on his pole but yet the board never released so after about 5 minutes i told him to check it, well he had a short 14" walley on. Well we continued to troll an area that i knew was good for walleye and after about another 30 minutes i caught a white bass. and then i got another one about 20 minutes after that, both fish were small so i released them. Well we continued to troll for awhile and continued to get bites but they were short hitting. Well i finally got a good hit on my pole so i set the hook and pulled up to the boat a real nice walleye, i told my buddy to get the net and he couldn't get it to me in time so as i reached for the fish it dropped off right as i was getting to grab it, so that is one fish that got away. i estimate it to be about an 18" walleye, well by this time we were out of worms and it was about 6pm so i took the boat to another area and we decided to fish it for about an hour and just throw some lures, I decided to throw a green power bait. Well it wasn't working for me and i also needed to fix my trolling motor so i did that for awhile. well i got it done and was just relaxing when i saw a fish jump near the shore so i decide to throw my bait in that direction. Well i let it sink for about 2 seconds and reeled in real slow for about 3 feet and i got the hit. It was a 22" 3 pound walleye. well this was the only keeper and so we decided to load up and come home.

Posted 11 years ago

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Wilson trip

Well it was Sunday April 7th, 2013. I tried to find someone to go fishing with me and out of about 7 phone calls everyone was busy. My wife and daughter said they would go with me but according to the weather the wind was suppose to pick up out of the SSE at about 25 mph. Well knowing how my daughter is with boats i know she will not like it at all with the waves that i knew would be on wilson lake, if it isn't calm she will not make the boat ride without getting sick so i left them at home and i went fishing alone. I usually don't do this because it is more fun with someone but like i said everyone else had plans. well i get to the lake and go and buy me some minnows and some bucktail jigs. I get the boat launched which by the way is really no fun by yourself especially with shallow water. Well my first destination was to go east of hell creek bridge since last week i caught 16 fish back there. Well i follow my GPS back to where i caught fish and i start casting a bucktail into some muddy water. Well i bet 10-15 minutes hasn't went by when i get a massive hit, i really thought i was snagged but it wasn't. I fight this fish for about 5 minutes but i took my time when i realized it was a big walleye and i realized i had grabbed the wrong pole and was actually using my pole that i use for crappie fishing and it only has 6lb line on it. Well i finally get the walleye close to the boat and i get the net under it. I pull the net and fish onto the deck of the boat and as soon as i set the net down the hook comes out of the fishes mouth. well i get the fish out of the net and i immediately want to weigh it because this fish is nice and big, well it weighs in on my scale at 6.5 pounds. i get it into the livewell and do some more fishing. it is about 45 minutes without anything so i try the other shoreline and i get a bite over there in muddy water, I pull in a soft shell turtle. I release him and continue to fish for about an hour without luck and decide to go farther east into even more shallow water, this time it is about 2 feet of water. i was fishing 3.5 to 5 feet of water earlier, well i fish this for about 20 minutes and pull in about a 2 pound largemouth bass. Well i fish for about another hour without another bite, by this time it is about 3:00pm and there are suppose to be big storms by 5pm in the county i have to go home to so i load up the boat to try and beat the storms. I did make it to home before heavy rains, wind, and hail begin. but before i went home i went to the bait shop to show them the fish i had caught and we weighed, measured, and took a picture of my fish that actually weighed 7.25 pounds and was 28" long. so now i know i need to buy a better scale for my boat. this was a fun few hours of fishing.

Posted 11 years ago

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Wilson trip

First trip of the year to wilson resorvoir for me was on Easter sunday. An old friend and I went out to do some fishing. It was a beautiful morning out, a little cool with light wind but warmed up nicely during the day. We got to the lake and went to the baitshop to pick up ice and lures so i talked to the baitshop manager about where the fish might be and what they were biting on, she told me several places and so we launched the boat and headed over to hell creek to fish. we got where we wanted to be and started casting bucktail jigs. It wasn't even 10 minutes in when i hooked my first striper, It was a 3.5 pound striper. about another 10 minutes went by and i had another striper in the boat, it was about 4 pounds. well believe it or not it was about another 10 minutes and i had another striper on the line, It was a 6 pound fish. well as the day went i a managed to pull in 12 striper and 2 spotted bass, and 2 largemouth bass. while all this was going on though i felt real bad catching all these fish because my friend had not caught a fish. we tried everything we could to get him to catch a fish, but he was using the same bait as me but with no luck, we then tried many other baits for him and different techniques and i even gave him my pole to use but still he could not pull in a fish. Well after doing all that and talking about it we determined that it must have been something on him to repel the fish. he did wash his truck that morning and used armorall and so maybe that had something to do with it. well by now it was getting late in the day so we loaded up the boat and went home.

Posted 11 years ago

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kirwin reservoir

well i had heard that the crappie were biting really good at kirwin reservoir on Thursday the 14th. well with my curiosity i had to give it a try so i went out with my wife, daughter, and our dog on Friday the 15th. well it is a about an hour and a half drive so i was hoping the fishing would be good. well we got up to kirwin at about 12:30 and i had not been to this lake in like 30 years so it was nice to see the lake again. Just like all lakes in kansas the water levels were low and so were the boat ramps, it was no fun launching or loading the boat. but anyway we got the boat on the water and i knew where to go because i was told to fish the south side by the fish attractors. well we get into position around about 12 other boats and i drop anchor, well after getting the family situated i finally got to fish. I tie on a jig head with a green/chartruese curly tail and start jigging. well i did this for about 2 hours without any luck, i didn't feel too bad because not too many others out there were doing real well either, they were all groaning and moaning because the day before the fish were biting non stop. well after awhile i decided to pull anchor and cruise to shore to use the restroom. We then went over to the north shore attractor and fished it but all i managed to catch over there was my anchor line. so i cruised over to where we started the day and decided to fish it again for about an hour before it would then be time to go home. i fished for about half an hour without any luck so i decided to change things up a bit, i tipped my jig with some white crappie nibbles and decided to drop my jig all the way to the bottom. well as soon as my jig got to the bottom i felt a tug, it was a nice crappie. well i baited up a crappie nibble again and in about 10 minutes i has another crappie. i thought maybe this was the start to a full live well but i was wrong not another bite in 30 minutes so we pulled up anchor and left for home. it was a good day on the water with my family though. so it was definately not a wasted day, i am glad they went with me.

Posted 11 years ago

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cedar bluff

good fishing day at cedar bluff

Posted 12 years ago

Angler Rankings


Total points: 112
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Rank: Panfish Rank


Total points: 12
Joined: 11 Jun 2008
Rank: Baitfish Rank


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Joined: 12 Mar 2011
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Joined: 9 Apr 2009
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Joined: 11 Jul 2017
Rank: Baitfish Rank

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Fishing Apps - Every Angler's Best Friend

Technology has helped anglers tremendously over the years. Weather it be fish finders, underwater cameras or the tech that goes into creating top notch rod and reels. But more recently, there have been a lot of fishing apps coming out that are extremely powerful tools for all anglers. There are apps that provide solunar tables, bass fishing forecasts, help identify fish and teach you how to tie knots. The team at US Fish Finder has also created our own fishing log app to help anglers keep track of their trips and catches in a simple to use interface. The Fish Nuggets App automatically captures location and weather for your catch while you just need to enter the species. The app is currently available as a beta release so make sure to check it out.

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