Wilson lake, Kansas Fishing Report

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Wilson Trip

Well it was Sunday April 7th, 2013. I tried to find someone to go fishing with me and out of about 7 phone calls everyone was busy. My wife and daughter said they would go with me but according to the weather the wind was suppose to pick up out of the SSE at about 25 mph. Well knowing how my daughter is with boats i know she will not like it at all with the waves that i knew would be on wilson lake, if it isn't calm she will not make the boat ride without getting sick so i left them at home and i went fishing alone. I usually don't do this because it is more fun with someone but like i said everyone else had plans. well i get to the lake and go and buy me some minnows and some bucktail jigs. I get the boat launched which by the way is really no fun by yourself especially with shallow water. Well my first destination was to go east of hell creek bridge since last week i caught 16 fish back there. Well i follow my GPS back to where i caught fish and i start casting a bucktail into some muddy water. Well i bet 10-15 minutes hasn't went by when i get a massive hit, i really thought i was snagged but it wasn't. I fight this fish for about 5 minutes but i took my time when i realized it was a big walleye and i realized i had grabbed the wrong pole and was actually using my pole that i use for crappie fishing and it only has 6lb line on it. Well i finally get the walleye close to the boat and i get the net under it. I pull the net and fish onto the deck of the boat and as soon as i set the net down the hook comes out of the fishes mouth. well i get the fish out of the net and i immediately want to weigh it because this fish is nice and big, well it weighs in on my scale at 6.5 pounds. i get it into the livewell and do some more fishing. it is about 45 minutes without anything so i try the other shoreline and i get a bite over there in muddy water, I pull in a soft shell turtle. I release him and continue to fish for about an hour without luck and decide to go farther east into even more shallow water, this time it is about 2 feet of water. i was fishing 3.5 to 5 feet of water earlier, well i fish this for about 20 minutes and pull in about a 2 pound largemouth bass. Well i fish for about another hour without another bite, by this time it is about 3:00pm and there are suppose to be big storms by 5pm in the county i have to go home to so i load up the boat to try and beat the storms. I did make it to home before heavy rains, wind, and hail begin. but before i went home i went to the bait shop to show them the fish i had caught and we weighed, measured, and took a picture of my fish that actually weighed 7.25 pounds and was 28" long. so now i know i need to buy a better scale for my boat. this was a fun few hours of fishing.

  • Added By: rod on 04/09/13 07:58 PM
  • Location: Wilson lake, Kansas
  • Report Date: 4/7/2013
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 1
  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Learn more about Wilson lake, Kansas fishing in our fishing message boards

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Report Catches

walleye/bass Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Walleye
  • Fish Length (Max): 28 inches
  • Fish Weight (Avg): 7 lbs. 4 oz.
  • Fish Weight (Max): 7 lbs. 4 oz.
  • Bait Type: Marabou / Bucktail Jig Check Prices
  • Bait Details: white/chartruese bucktail
  • Location Details: hell creek

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