Kansas Fish Finder Users

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Kansas User List

Fisherman Username Name Joined Views Points State
Michael Gracik ironmike88 Michael Gracik 12/28/24 100 0 Kansas
Benson Smiley bsmiley Benson Smiley 12/16/24 282 0 Kansas
Vivian Leonard viviantss Vivian Leonard 10/15/24 338 0 Kansas
Geronimo Rocha geronimor8 Geronimo Rocha 09/17/23 414 0 Kansas
Issac Jones jones98 Issac Jones 08/13/23 363 0 Kansas
Tim  Hapner thapner Tim Hapner 07/03/23 361 0 Kansas
Cooper Wegerle cooperwegerle Cooper Wegerle 06/19/23 370 0 Kansas
Alice  Lewis kinnaird91 Alice Lewis 01/26/23 392 0 Kansas
huzhou fuji huzhoufuji huzhou fuji 12/05/22 958 1 Kansas
Jeremiah Isbell 08stratos Jeremiah Isbell 11/01/22 465 1 Kansas
Lily Smith lilys23 Lily Smith 09/26/22 340 0 Kansas
Josh Webster 785fishing Josh Webster 08/24/22 388 0 Kansas
Luke Halbleib lsh Luke Halbleib 07/26/22 1893 0 Kansas
flashtype jll flashtypee flashtype jll 06/17/22 365 0 Kansas
Louis Dillon postjr913 Louis Dillon 08/31/21 336 0 Kansas
Louis Dillon postjr Louis Dillon 08/31/21 384 0 Kansas
uniepu wendy unipu2009 uniepu wendy 07/05/21 6652 1 Kansas
Randle Tuxhorn hammer4u2 Randle Tuxhorn 05/31/21 364 0 Kansas
Lonnie Gilbert gilbertski Lonnie Gilbert 05/25/21 389 0 Kansas
Tim Decker timothy Tim Decker 04/08/21 296 0 Kansas
Dale Peters kspete Dale Peters 02/08/21 349 0 Kansas
Scott Hoschouer hosch Scott Hoschouer 07/19/20 320 0 Kansas
Todd Segraves segravestodd Todd Segraves 06/11/20 376 0 Kansas
Stephen Gill sigill9109 Stephen Gill 04/14/20 328 0 Kansas
Pearl Wilcox pearlwil Pearl Wilcox 09/08/18 457 0 Kansas
Lopez9 Lopez9 lopez9 Lopez9 Lopez9 03/12/18 386 0 Kansas
Stephen Ohlarik inuyashalover21 Stephen Ohlarik 02/06/17 1060 0 Kansas
Jeffrey Guzman outdoorsmenstore Jeffrey Guzman 04/06/16 639 0 Kansas
Peter Gray pgray Peter Gray 05/17/15 529 0 Kansas
Brendan Hollinworth brendanhwvvsc Brendan Hollinworth 01/05/15 639 0 Kansas
Elke Sheppard elkesheppardld Elke Sheppard 12/30/14 644 0 Kansas
Josefina Quarles josefjdbw Josefina Quarles 11/23/14 669 0 Kansas
Matilda Goodchild matilmaae Matilda Goodchild 11/15/14 530 0 Kansas

KS Fish Finder

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