Coosa River System Fishing Report

4 Rating based on 1 Reviews

Coosa River Dams : The Tailraces

The tailraces of Weiss , Neely Henry , Logan Martin , Lay , and Jordan Dams have been producing quality Stripes since the sixties but nothing like the Santee-Cooper system in SC . The Coosa however is closer to B'ham, AL and almost as good . If you have a rod that will reach out and touch 'em all can be fished . Neely is my favorite because if the discharge is just right one can wade out from the bank and cast farther out or use the flyrod . If you take a flyrod use 8wt and up , there are some 40 pounders behind Neely Henry as well as the other dams on the Coosa . There are alot of guys in boats that motor up to the backside and drift back down in the current bumping live shad off the bottom and then repeating that. There has to be cooperation in that circus of boats. There is a public launch about a mile down stream but navigate carefully , the are some rocks , but as the level of Logan Martin comes closer to full pool it's not too bad but be cautious . I know I talk too much about HNH but it is easier to fish than the others and Jack's Hamburgers is about a mile away , what more could one ask for ? From I-20 in AL look for the Lincoln-Talladega exit and take Hwy 77 north to Ohatchee and you can't miss it . As for the other Coosa River dams ,just Google it.

  • Added By: roaminangler on 03/13/11 08:42 AM
  • Location: Coosa River System
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 0
  • # of Fish Caught: 50
  • Learn more about Coosa River System fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Catches

Coosa River System Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 50
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Striped Bass Hybrid
  • Bait Details: Any shad look a like

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